oil filter

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The automotive oil filter, also known as the oil filter, is a crucial component of the engine. Its primary function is to filter impurities in the engine oil, such as metal particles, dust, carbon deposits oxidized at high temperatures, and some water vapor. These impurities continuously mix into the engine oil during the engine’s operation. Without proper filtration, it can reduce the lifespan of the oil, and in severe cases, it might even affect the normal operation of the engine.

Therefore, the presence of the oil filter allows the oil to remain clean, circulating better within the engine, and protecting it. Only oil filtered through the oil filter can ensure its cleanliness and lubrication, thereby reducing wear and tear on the engine during operation.

Generally, it is recommended to replace the oil filter every 5000-10000 kilometers of driving. This is because, over time, the oil filter accumulates a large number of impurities. If not replaced promptly, it may affect the filtration efficiency of the oil, thereby impacting the normal operation of the engine. Therefore, regularly replacing the oil filter is a crucial aspect of car maintenance.

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